Four years ago, I completed my first 5k. I trained using the C25K and was so nervous! It was really tough and took almost an hour, but I finished! Now, my Runniversary is upon me again and I'm headed to Wauwatosa to run the
Blarney Run. It may seem silly to drive an hour to run 3.1 miles, but it's a very important race to me. It's where my love of running began and led me to my other 5k's, 10k's, half marathons, and sprint triathlons. And now, I will start training for my first marathon! I never would have thought that I could or even would come this far, but it just shows that if you believe in yourself and don't give up, anything is possible!
Why do I run? I have been asked this SO many times!
It's too easy to point out all of my flaws and short comings. It would be easy for me to say, "I should be faster, thinner, better, more dedicated, etc." I have said all of these things to myself. I've been injured, taken a hiatus, wondered what the point to all of this is, but in the end, I have to realize I am doing it to make myself happy. I feel cleansed after a run. I can leave my problems and worries at home for an hour and totally detach from the world. That is what keeps me coming back.
Here's some pictures from races past. I wish I had some from every race!
Mt. Pleasant 5k April 2010 with my younger brother who did the half marathon. |
Pleasant Prairie Triathlon June 2010 |
First Half with Laura Haunted Hustle 10/30/10 |
Run Into the New Year 10k 12/31/10 Day after my 30th bday |
Blarney 5K 2011 |
Medals |
Race Bibs |
Pink is Irongirl 2010, green is Irongirl 2011 |
Run Into Spring 2012 in Chicago |
WI Half Marathon 2012 |
Brewer Mini Marathon 9/22/12 |
Skeleton Skamper Half 2012 |
It's great to look back and see how far I've come. I never thought I could be someone who runs, but I kept on going out and doing it, striving to get better. I look forward to another great year of running!
Happy Running!