Monday, April 8, 2013

Cleaning Out My Closet

I've been trying to lose weight for a while <-- understatement of my life.  I have lost close to 50 lbs from my heaviest ( I wrote about that here. ) Not seeing the scale go down very much, then up, then down, etc. can get a bit frustrating.  What's a girl to do?

Maintaining around here.
I've been using my food diary and at the beginning of each month I'm supposed to take measurements of my hips, waist, legs, etc.  The last time I did that was January 13, 2013.  I skipped February, because I wasn't really feeling like I had lost anything.  I kept gaining/losing the same 5 lbs. and I didn't want to have another blow to my psyche.

At the beginning of April, I decided to take my measurements again - sort of a fresh start.  I was so surprised to see that I have actually lost 7.5" total since January!  The scale may not be budging (through my own fault), but at least I'm still making progress through exercise.

I thought that maybe it would be time to try on my old, old jeans that haven't fit in years.  This led to a whole cleaning out my closet event that kept me up until almost 2am Saturday night/Sunday morning.  It was worth it though!  I now have 5 pairs of jeans I can wear, instead of the same one or two.  

I found these jeans that have not fit me in NINE YEARS!!! I bought them right after Kev and I started dating and quickly out-grew them with my rapid weight gain.  Super awesome moment for me!! 
Trying to sort through my stuff.

Eggroll helping me.

I bought two of these about 4 years ago and saved the other one for when we ran out.  I think it's time to open it.

Found this in one of my purses.  I bought it for my first 5k four  yrs ago.  Doesn't it look pretty?  It's in the trash now.

Pretty and organized!
So, don't give up if you aren't seeing results right away.  If you keep with it only good things will come!

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