Monday, April 22, 2013

Mish-Mash Monday

Last night I was asleep by 11.  This morning I woke up before my alarm.  It was still dark and I wondered what time it was.  I didn't have a watch on and went to find my glasses.  Once I found them, put them on and found a clock, I saw that it was 2:45 a.m.  I thought that it was around 6 or so!

Good idea, Zooey. Good idea.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep in bed between Kevin's loud breathing and my cat's bed-hogging, I decided to just go lay on the couch.  I turned the T.V. on I Love Lucy and fell asleep until I heard the Golden Girls on around 7.

I had off today, so I laid around most of the morning, drank some coffee, crocheted, and made a list of some things I needed at the grocery store.  I finally headed out at about noon.

A couple of hours later, I went for a walk with Melissa and her posse (aka her 3 children).  It was so nice out!  It was a bit windy by the lake, which is where she lives, but the way back was better since the wind was behind us.  We ended up walking almost 3 miles.

The bottom of my foot was still sore this morning, but I popped a couple of ibuprofen and iced it for about half an hour before I went walking. It wasn't sore during or after either.  Now though, it is a bit sore to walk on.  I wish I knew what the deal was, but I just have to hope that with ice and rest it will get better.  Too bad it won't get too much rest since I literally run around for 8 hours at work.  I will have to assess it after my run tomorrow.  I may have to take some time off from running.

Happy Monday!

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